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We’ve been married for 16 years, and for more than half that time, we have been proud CCES parents. CCES has given our children so much: education, faith, character, athletics, and the arts. More importantly, it’s provided a lifelong foundation—a place they can always return to, filled with lasting friendships and an alumni network that will always support them.

Our gift reflects our commitment to this incredible community and its impact on our family. Whether or not their own children attend CCES, our kids will know how meaningful this time and place was to us as a family, and we hope others can share in that same experience for generations to come.”Sarah and Ryan Beasley Current Parents

Brett & Abby Lanzl

"CCES shaped our lives. It built character and instilled values in us that we hold dear. That foundation continues to impact and influence our own children at CCES. Our lives have come full circle and this is, quite simply, our way of giving back and providing for the future of a place that has given us so much."

Paul & Precia Shaw

"We’ve enjoyed a partnership with CCES for over 30 years, with two of our children as proud graduates and one currently attending. From the start, we’ve been involved in the master plan development and couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress we’ve made and what the future holds. Pledging our financial support to bring this vision to life for future generations in our community was an easy decision."

Cliff and Megan Holekamp

"The Build for the Future Campaign is investing to make sure that the campus experience keeps up with the quality of the academic programs that our students enjoy.  Having researched independent schools across the country before choosing CCES, we know that Greenville is fortunate to have this school.  It is worth contributing to keep CCES competitive - not only locally, but regionally and nationally."


Leadership Donors

Marc and Abigail Aleksinas
Amanda and Greg Arscott
Kent and Lauren Barber
Ryan and Sarah Beasley
Alex and Larry Burgamy
Carlton Mercedes Benz
Sean and Emily Bowie
Scotti Lu and Steve Brandt
Tondre and Tameka Buck
Lang and Kay Cheves
Wallace and Sloan Cheves
Tom and Jenni Coker
Kathy Corwin
William and Marion Crawford
The Comer Family
Barry and Nikole Cox
Will and Christine Cunningham
Lee Davenport
Sarah Ann and Buddy Davis
Nancie Dixon
Chad and Allison Domonoske
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Einstein
Frances and Dave Ellison
Chris and Kasey Fay
Ellis and Jane Harrison Fisher
Andy and Harriett Goldsmith
Andy and Jeanette Goldsmith
Eric and Christina Harrell
Courtney and Sean Hartness
Blayne and Robin Henderson
Cliff and Megan Holekamp
Jamie and Henry Horowitz
Katie and Rob Howell

Velda and Jackson Hughes 
Jack Porter, Inc.
Jamie Inman
Joe and Ann Jennings
John and Landra Jennings
Caldwell and Mary Claytor Johnston
Richard and Amy Kim
Cheri Phyfer Kubu
Abby and Brett Lanzl
Peter and Lisa Larocque
Jordan and Cathy Lea
Raymond and Karinna Levy
Lee and Martha Louise Lewis
Valerie and Jonathan Lokey
Will and Carter Lowrance
Matt and Kate Madden
Mike and Lynn McBride
George McCall
Rupert and Jessica McCormac
Bern and Catharine Mebane
Rhett and Libby Meyers
Jon and Blair Miller
Stephanie and Rob Morgan
Reid and Will Murphy
Sunshine Norwood
Veena Mathur and Chris O’Brien
Chad and Kelly Odom
David and Karen Padilla
Mike and Ashley Pastore
Bill and Laura Pelham
Luke and Erin Piepkow
Zeb and Barbara Portanova
Michael and Diana Raby

Vidya Ravishankar and Rahul Agarwal
Chris Robinson
Jane Roy
Sally Russell
Greg and Barbara Sebolt
Paul and Precia Shaw
Minor and Hal Shaw
Kevin and Jill Shinn
The Sippey Family
Betty and Lewis Smoak
Steve and Allison Spinks
The Spinks Family Foundation
William and Elizabeth Swent
Jim and Betty Teague
Meg and Geordan Terry
Arch and Sara Thomason
The Thomason Family
Allen Timmons
Neill Timmons
Chuck and Sherri Timmons
Jimmy and Christine VonWyl
Catherine and Kevin Webb
Marc and Macaulay White
Baker and Marguerite Wyche
Thomas and Kristy Young
Anonymous (4)
CCES Booster Club
The Daniel-Mickel Foundation
The Ellison S. and Noel P. McKissick Foundation
Young Office

Leadership Donors as of 2/5/25.

Graphic that says plan

Interested in learning more?

Please direct questions or inquiries to Jamie Inman, Assistant Head for Advancement at or at 864-331-4231.
