We are not only preparing students to excel in the classroom, but we are providing them the resources and opportunities to become self-directed, independent, and resilient learners and collaborators for life.
100% of our students are accepted into a college of their choice, SAT scores consistently outpace national averages by several hundred points, and IB scores exceed world averages.
Technology & Innovation
From interactive classroom engagement to empowering students as creators of digital content, our approach goes beyond mere consumption. With the continual evolution of technology tools, our focus is on providing students with fundamental concepts while inspiring curiosity and innovative thinking. Through hands-on experiences, students develop essential skills for navigating 21st-century tools confidently and responsibly.
Lower School
Middle School
upper school
The Upper School offers courses in digital media, computer science, robotics, pre-engineering, programming, drones, and digital electronics. Technology training, online safety, and ethical use of digital media are integrated into each division’s curriculum.
Tools for the Classroom
Academic classrooms at CCES are well-equipped with the latest technology tools. Nearly every classroom is furnished with a wireless microphone system to limit outside auditory distractions and flat-panel monitors or projection equipment for digital presentations. Every student in grades 5 through 10 has a school-issued Chromebook, which provides access to textbooks, thousands of digital books, online research tools, and access to Schoology, our learning management system.
CCES has three libraries, one in each division. Our Library program is designed to support and enhance the curricular objectives of the school community and to encourage the development of students as reflective citizens and lifelong learners.The libraries are centers of learning, study, and research, enabling students to locate, retrieve, and evaluate information. The programs encourage reading for pleasure and foster a lifelong appreciation of literature. By working under the model of inquiry-based learning, the libraries support the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme and the Diploma Programme and help all of our students become critical thinkers, and skillful, responsible users of information.