Christ Church Episcopal School experiences have prepared graduating seniors for whatever comes next and to make a positive difference in the world. Each week, we will put the spotlight on a graduating senior from the Class of 2024. We hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing CCES students!
Whenever Mariela Ramos ’24 enters a room, it instantly lights up. Described by Director of College Counseling, Linda Schulz, as “confident, disciplined, genuine, and people-oriented,” Mariela has left a bright mark on CCES during her four years here.
Originally from Puerto Rico, Mariela moved with her parents to Florida when she was ten years old. Though she left the island at a young age, her heritage is still a large part of her life and she returns every summer to visit her grandfather. “I really love my Puerto Rican people,” she reflects. “My culture is really important to me and I want to remain connected to it. I love my family and the food is amazing.”
Once in middle school, her family moved to Greenville and Mariela started at CCES as a freshman. The transition was challenging as she knew very few people and found herself retreating into a quieter demeanor. By junior year though, Mariela had found her footing and now you seldom see her walking through the halls without a group of friends around her.
She has also jumped feet first into many extracurriculars, both at CCES and beyond. A member of the Varsity Swim team for three years and the Varsity Cheerleading team for her senior year, Mariela enjoys the camaraderie that comes with being part of a larger team, and she shows up ready to try her very best. One summer a few years ago, Mariela attended camp at the West Carolina Sailing Club on Lake Hartwell, where she and other campers learned how to sail. Since then, she goes regularly on the weekends and hopes to learn how to sail on the “Laser” sailboat this summer, an advanced level boat.
Pursuing opportunities like these outside of school takes extra effort and dedication, but for Mariela, it is well worth it. “I love meeting new people and trying new things,” she reflects. The Greenville City Youth Council is another area where she has actualized this sentiment. During her freshman year, she became involved with the council after her mom saw a Facebook ad for the group. The council consists of a group of students from all different schools across the Greenville area who come together every month to discuss local issues and events for the city. They also have guest speakers come from various aspects of the city and speak to them on different topics ranging from rising housing prices in Greenville to the bus routes.
Around fourteen students participate every year, and students have to apply and interview to be accepted. During the interview, she was asked “tell us what you want to change about Greenville,” and Mariela quickly responded, “I would like Greenville to be safer for bikers.” An avid biker, Mariela used her own experiences with biking in the city to propose added bike routes throughout the downtown area. Today, there is no shortage of bike routes, and we like to believe that she might have played a small part in that
Her love of cities shaped her college search, and next year, Mariela will find herself living near one of the largest in the country - New York City. She will be attending Fordham University, specifically the Rose Hill Campus, which resides in the Bronx.
Her journey there has been quite serendipitous, having first discovered the college through a YouTube series known as the “Ram Cam” (Fordham’s mascot is the Ram). The “Ram Cam” depicts the day in the life of a student at Fordham, and Mariela immediately fell in love with the beautiful campus and vast academic offerings there. After doing some research, she realized that her grandfather actually attended the university long ago and had many fond memories from his time there.
Mariela can’t wait to get started and looks forward to the many new faces and places she will get to know there. A High Honor Roll and Honor Roll student all throughout her time at CCES, there is no doubt that she will continue to succeed academically. Right now, she is “undecided” on her major but is considering radiology after learning about it from her aunt who works in the field. Praised by her teachers for her hard work ethic and willingness to advocate for herself, she will take on any challenges ahead with a “can-do” attitude and a big smile on her face.
Just for Fun:
What is your favorite Puerto Rican dish? A whole plate of tostones (fried plantains). And mofongo. And Flan…too many to mention.
What is your favorite movie? Original Spider Man.
Do you have any pets? A dog named Miyo. He’s living his best life in Puerto Rico with my grandpa.