Annual Report 2023-24
The 2023-2024 school year marked the sixty-fourth in our school’s history, and to think of all that has happened over those six decades is indeed incredible.
From a small, mission-driven school on the Christ Church campus downtown to a visionary move to our current campus off of Mauldin Road in the early-1970s to our fully realized position as the leader in independent school education—not merely in Greenville or the Upstate but in all of South Carolina—ours is a story of dedication, adaptation, and inspiration.
Happily, that story is still being written as we look ahead to a campus expansion beginning in the summer of 2025. The same dedication, adaptation, and inspiration will continue to mark our work as we transform the current facilities into something even better.
There is so much to celebrate as our entire community has grown and matured, and in this report, we once again highlight the academics, arts, athletics, and extracurriculars of the past year which mark the unbroken tradition of excellence of CCES. Our rich history laid the foundation for our present; our present lays the foundation for our even brighter future.
I hope you find this report to reflect an appreciation of our CCES spirit, a reminder of what we have in this special place, and a preview of more good things to come, all made possible by our spirit of power, strength, and hope.
Your unfailing support makes all that we do possible, so as always, thanks to all of you for what you do for CCES
With gratitude,
David Padilla
Head of School
Helping sustain and grow CCES ensures the long-term value of our investment in our daughter’s education. She will benefit so much from this experience, and we believe that is worth more than the cost of tuition. We know that any gift we give will be put to good use, and the benefits of our gifts will be multiplied repeatedly across the whole CCES community and beyond.tameka and tondre buck Current Parents
Current Financials 2023-24
Without an underpinning of financial health and integrity, CCES could not deliver the excellence to which we are committed in all areas.
Of particular note:
- A Finance Committee, operating as a working arm of the Board of Trustees, is comprised of eight members and meets four times throughout the year.
- CCES has no long-term debt as of June 30, 2023.
- CCES has access to a multi-year credit facilities structure, which allows for suitable borrowing availability to cover annual operational needs, Board of Trustees approved construction projects, and/or capital improvements.
- CCES has a robust maintenance reserve, which can be used to finance significant maintenance, renewal, or replacement of the school’s plant assets. Maintaining this reserve is critically important to ensuring the long-term financial health of the school.