Where You Belong
Christ Church Episcopal School
We embody our unique Episcopal identity best by promoting a culture of kindness and respect where all people from all backgrounds and religions are accepted and valued. We strive to ensure that everyone is at home at CCES.
Three Schools One Community
Rewarding. CCES.
CCES is an independent day school serving approximately 1,200 students in grades Primer (Kindergarten) through 12 in Greenville, South Carolina.
CCES Lower School
Grades Primer (Kindergarten) - 4
The CCES Lower School emphasizes academic excellence and unique learning opportunities in interactive, child-centered classrooms. Our independent private elementary school serves students in Primer (Kindergarten) and grades 1 through 4, providing an educational experience unlike any other in the Greenville, SC area.
CCES Middle School
Grades 5 - 8
The CCES Middle School serves students in Grades 5 through 8 and provides a safe and nurturing environment where students are actively engaged in their classes, enjoy time with their classmates, and develop skills that will help propel them forward in the years to come.
CCES Upper School
Grades 9 - 12
Our Upper School offers a distinctive balance of innovative learning opportunities and time-honored academic traditions. We serve students in grades 9 through 12 and provide deeply challenging educational environment focused on preparing each student to shape his or her future with self-awareness and self-confidence.
At CCES, You are Known
CCES provides more than an education. No matter where you are on your journey, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Spiritual Development
Spiritual Development
As an Episcopal school, we support all of our students, from all backgrounds, in their individual faith journeys.
Social-Emotional Development
Social-Emotional Development
At CCES, we strive to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging and support, has opportunities to develop meaningful relationships, finds joy in learning, and is encouraged to live a healthy and balanced life.
Academic Development
Academic Development
At CCES, we are committed to meeting the individual learning needs of students while supporting and extending the rigorous academics offered at CCES.
Physical Development
Physical Development
At CCES, we recognize that the health of our students, faculty and staff is integral to the full educational experience we provide for our students.
Sharing Our Stories
Cavalier Voices
What’s your favorite tradition at CCES?
What do you love about teaching at CCES?
What’s your favorite project in 4th grade?
What’s your favorite class in the Lower School?
What did you enjoy about the TIDE program?
A CCES Education Prepares Students To
Our Mission
Think Deeply, Act Responsibly, Live Vigorously, Believe Faithfully, Lead Resolutely, and Create Imaginatively
Average College Counselor to Student Ratio
of Students in Grades 7-12 Participate in a Sport
World Languages: Chinese, German, French, Latin, Spanish
College Acceptance
Athletic Teams
State Championships
Lower School Special Area Enrichment Programs
Advanced Placement Courses Offered
Coordinated Curriculum Offered
Acre Campus
On-Site Wetland Laboratory
See Where CCES Can Take You
Ellie Dalkin, Director of Young Alumni Relations & Communications
Attending Texas Christian University
Gracie Haley embodies the values of inclusivity and empathy, according to Associate Director of College Counseling, Lindsey Waters. Mrs. Waters describes Gracie as “someone who is aware of students who may feel like an outsider or underdog, working to include and encourage everyone.”
Christ Church Episcopal School experiences have prepared graduating seniors for whatever comes next and to make a positive difference in the world. Each week, we will put the spotlight on a graduating senior from the Class of 2024. We hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing CCES students!
Gracie Haley embodies the values of inclusivity and empathy, according to Associate Director of College Counseling, Lindsey Waters. Mrs. Waters describes Gracie as “someone who is aware of students who may feel like an outsider or underdog, working to include and encourage everyone.” Engaging in a brief conversation with Gracie is all it takes to affirm this sentiment, and her tenure at CCES as a 13-Year Vet serves as a testament to these remarkable qualities.
A captain of both the Varsity Lacrosse and Cheerleading teams, Gracie leads the charge in making younger classmates feel comfortable and welcomed on the team. As a freshman, she looked up to the older girls as role models, and so she strives to do the same as a senior on the team. “I want to make sure everyone feels included and like they belong. I never want someone to feel like they are falling behind or struggling.” Her advice to younger players on the team is to never be afraid to ask someone for help if you have questions or need something. This kind of leadership is what earned her the “Most Likely to Have Your Back” award on the Varsity Lacrosse team last year and permeates throughout all of her endeavors both on and off the field.
Gracie’s experience as an adoptee also impacts the way that she goes about life in profound ways. She is keenly aware of the significance of not knowing someone's full story and the impact words and assumptions can have on someone. Her senior capstone project, “Street Stories,” seeks to amplify the voices of marginalized individuals who seldom get the opportunity to share their stories. Through partnering with the organization, Sunday Dinner with a Twist, Gracie interviewed various people facing homelessness in the Upstate area. She then shared some of their stories as well as a message about the importance of breaking stereotypes and not judging people to the fifth grade at CCES. Together, they created snack bags with encouraging notes to hand out to the homeless.
When asked where this uniquely inclusive and aware mindset stems from, she quickly gave credit to one of her biggest role models – her mom. “My mom has always been one to go out of her way to help others achieve something that they’re wanting to do. If she sees someone not having a good time somewhere, she goes out of her way to greet them and put a smile on their face. I want to be like that and make someone’s day better.”
Gracie’s family has always been important to her, and during her sophomore year, Gracie found herself enduring countless nineteen-hour road trips to visit her older brother, Graham Haley ’18, at Texas Christian University (TCU), where he graduated from in the spring of 2022. As a result, she swore off attending a university so far from home. When she started to seriously consider colleges though, she quickly realized the many benefits of TCU – its size, athletic fervor, and artistic opportunities. She also realized that a three hour flight is a great alternative to a 19-hour car ride. After looking at a few other schools including Samford University and Belmont University, it became clear TCU was the place for her.
At TCU, she hopes to pursue interior design as a major, which stems from her love of the arts. The arts – specifically visual arts – have always been very important to Gracie, and she has excelled as an AP Arts student this year. Her AP Portfolio showcases various aspects of nature using movements commonly found in the natural world. For Gracie, art forces time to slow down and creates space for focusing on something she truly enjoys and wants to improve upon. Looking ahead, she is excited to apply her talents in a different way through interior design.
Beyond her artistic talents, Gracie’s unwavering commitment to fostering a sense of belonging for all, whether on the lacrosse field, in the classroom, or within the broader community, will carry her far in her future endeavors at TCU.
For Fun:
Favorite memory with your family? On a trip to the British Virgin Islands with my family, we went out on an island at night and made our own food on the beach and made our own fire.
Tell us something people probably don’t know about you. I did competitive dance for 10 years.
Current Netflix binge? Grey’s Anatomy.
Ellie Dalkin, Director of Young Alumni Relations & Communications
Attending Belmont University
When Emory Allen, Class of 2024, sets a goal, there is little doubt in anyone's mind that she will achieve it. Director of College Counseling, Linda Schulz, describes Emory as a student who “demonstrates great determination and courage” and “is steadfast in always giving her best efforts to all she pursues.”
Christ Church Episcopal School experiences have prepared graduating seniors for whatever comes next and to make a positive difference in the world. Each week, we will put the spotlight on a graduating senior from the Class of 2024. We hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing CCES students!
When Emory Allen, Class of 2024, sets a goal, there is little doubt in anyone's mind that she will achieve it. Director of College Counseling, Linda Schulz, describes Emory as a student who “demonstrates great determination and courage” and “is steadfast in always giving her best efforts to all she pursues.” Emory’s ambitions at CCES have spanned the pool, the track, the classroom, and even the hospital ward. Throughout them all, she has shown a remarkable amount of grit and compassion.
Emory joined CCES as an eighth grader and immediately plugged into the swim team. As a distance swimmer, she excelled in races requiring a high level of mental fortitude and endurance, and her success was evident in the various accolades she received throughout her swimming career, including All County, All Region, All State, and Highest Point Scorer. She also spent her summers by the pool serving as a swim lessons coach and a summer league swim instructor.
Mentorship opportunities like these have always been very important to Emory, and during her senior year, she started volunteering at the Serenity Place, a local rehabilitation center for mothers with young children. Described by Service and Experiential Learning Director, Elizbeth Jarrett, as “kind and respectful, hardworking and motivated,” Emory provides babysitting for the mothers’ children every Tuesday night.
This opportunity, however, might not have been available to her had she not made the difficult decision to try out for the cross country team instead of the swim team during her senior year. The cross country’s close knit team welcomed her with open arms, and she quickly realized running provided a competitive outlet and an opportunity to make new friends. This decision to get out of her comfort zone has spurred her on to continually try new things, including volunteering at Serenity Place and later joining the track and field team. “So many good things came out of the scary decision to transition from swimming. It has inspired me to try new things, make new friends, and I’ve gotten to know Ms. Jarrett better, who introduced me to Serenity Place,” Emory reflected.
Getting out of her comfort zone is nothing new for her though. During the summer before senior year, Emory participated in CCES’s Internship Program, which provides rising seniors with real world experience through internships in various fields across the Upstate. Her cousin is a pediatric ICU nurse, so she has always been curious about the nursing profession. Through the internship program, she had the opportunity to spend a few weeks in the pediatric ICU at Greenville Memorial Hospital and quickly realized how much she loved it.
Despite working long hours, she knew something was different when she came home after a long day at the hospital and never complained about being tired. Instead, she was too busy reliving the day’s adventures and discoveries. “I love that it’s not a ‘sit at the office’ job, but you get to be moving around and doing something with your hands,” Emory says. “You are also exposed to so many different situations, and you get to have a big impact on both the kids and their families.”
After this experience, she made the decision to pursue a career in nursing, and this goal has shaped her college search. She wanted to attend a school that would allow her to start working as a nurse as soon as possible, and that criteria narrowed her search to schools with “direct admit” programs, in which students complete four years of nursing education including clinical rotations. She applied to James Madison University, Auburn University, and West Virginia University, among others, but the one that ended up being the top contender was not on her initial list until Mrs. Schulz suggested it – Belmont University in Nashville, TN.
Belmont has a direct admit nursing program, and ninety-six percent of students enrolled in the program are employed in nursing within six months of graduation. This checks an important box for Emory, and it is also located in a big city with a strong medical community found in Vanderbilt University. The Belmont campus, however, feels small and organized in a way that made Emory feel right at home when she visited.
In looking ahead at closing of her chapter as a CCES student, Emory has one more goal she would like to accomplish – break six minutes in the mile at a track meet. Given her track record (no pun intended), it won’t be long before she meets that goal, careening her forward towards the many more she will pursue at Belmont and beyond.
Just for fun!
Name something this world could use a lot more of? Empathy.
Who is someone who has greatly influenced your life? My mom.
If you could create one mandatory course for seniors, what would it be? Finance.
Kim Gendron, Social Media Coordinator
Attending Berry College
If Ciarán Greer were to pick one motto to live by, it would be to keep an open mindset at all times. This has led him to fearlessly try new things, to be open to engaging in difficult topics, and to always seek to learn from people – even if he might not agree with their perspectives.
Christ Church Episcopal School experiences have prepared graduating seniors for whatever comes next and to make a positive difference in the world. Each week, we will put the spotlight on a graduating senior from the Class of 2024. We hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing CCES students!
If Ciarán Greer were to pick one motto to live by, it would be to keep an open mindset at all times. This has led him to fearlessly try new things, to be open to engaging in difficult topics, and to always seek to learn from people – even if he might not agree with their perspectives.
Ciarán enrolled at CCES in the sixth grade as a self-described “quiet” middle schooler. Finding his place in a new school was an intimidating task at first, but CCES quickly grew into a beautiful and welcoming community. Ciarán says, “I’ve been fortunate to make some really great friends during my time here.”
During his four years of high school, Ciarán has been involved in a wide variety of school clubs and activities, but two areas have remained constant – running and creativity. Ciarán joined the Boys Cross Country and Track and Field teams as a 7th grader and fell in love with the sport immediately. Running has taught him a lot that applies to life as well – mainly the values of grit and patience. He says, “I have learned the ability to experience pain and be willing to go through the difficult to reach the beautiful.”
Creativity has always been important to Ciarán, but with his open-minded approach to life, it has led him down some different paths as he has jumped into a number of pursuits over these past few years. First, he started a sports podcast during the pandemic – partially out of being bored during quarantine and partially just because he loves sports and wanted to find a way to talk about it. He covered all American sports and Premier League soccer, with people all around the world tuning in for the episodes and eventually, he even signed with a British podcasting network! While his foray into podcasting only lasted a couple of years, it gave him valuable experience with editing and producing.
Then, last year Ciarán decided to join the journalism staff and fell in love with the entire process – from the development of a concept all the way to writing and editing pieces. He quickly integrated himself into the work and with the staff, becoming a valuable contributor and then being named editor for his senior year. When he reflects back on all that the team has accomplished this year, he’s extremely proud – viewership is the highest it has ever been, they cover a wide range of topics, and he’s been working with Ms. Gregory, US Librarian and Journalism Teacher, to expand CCES News into the other two divisions.
Discourse around difficult topics has never been something Ciarán has shied away from. If anything, he seeks it out, always welcoming a good debate. In Ciarán’s mind, a debate is simply the opportunity to learn about another person and a different perspective than one’s own. He says, “The ability to engage in difficult topics, with other perspectives, in a way that is respectful and open-minded, is an important skill for people to possess.”
Ciarán has certainly done his best to introduce his peers to the art of respectful debate, founding the Political Debate and History club this year. He says, “I want to help people have civil discussions about difficult topics and to educate people about things they might not learn in the classroom.”
Despite a schedule that is packed to the brim, Ciarán is also a member of the RC (Radio Control) Club and Spanish Club, and has made the Honor Roll three of his four years (9, 11, 12). He was selected to represent CCES at the annual S.C. Palmetto Boys State mock government program, where he was elected as "State Senator" by over 400 of his peers. He was a captain of the Cross Country team this year, making All-Region and All-State. He also added Honor Council and choir to his resume as a senior, never shying away from trying something new.
When Ciarán started looking for colleges, his commitment to running and pursuing a variety of interests was at the forefront. He applied to a few schools – Davidson College, Sewanee, and The Citadel, but as soon as he visited Berry College in Rome, Georgia, it just felt right. He describes the “natural beauty” that makes the campus stand out and with the excellent history department and opportunity to continue his running career, it was the perfect fit. Ciarán plans to double major in History and Spanish, pursuing the prelaw track with hopes to attend law school in the future. He hopes to integrate service and faith into his life more fully, planning on being active in the Canterbury Club, the Episcopal Church’s college ministry.
Director of College Counseling, Linda Schulz, calls Ciarán “respectful, compassionate, and purposeful.” She says, “He is very intentional about pursuing his interests and his connection with others. It has been a joy to watch Ciarán develop as a leader and courageously take himself out of his comfort zone, always making the most of life.”
As Ciarán moves into a new chapter of life after graduation, his fearless pursuit of new things and grounded outlook on life will continue to guide him forward. As he did at CCES, Ciarán will no doubt integrate himself seamlessly into the fabric of Berry College, keeping an open mindset through it all.
Just for fun:
Name something the world could use a lot more of? Listening
Favorite period in history to study? Between WWI and WII, the Gilded Ages
If you could try one thing and know you wouldn’t fail, what would it be? Baseball
Current sports topic you enjoy debating? The Celtics are going to win the NBA finals this year.
Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you. I threw out the first pitch of a Drive game before – I was four years old and won a raffle through Meals on Wheels.
Personalized For You
Our goal is to ensure that each student is prepared to seek out colleges that match their unique academic and personal needs and expectations; our focus is to guide each student as they search to find the right college “match.”
The CCES community recently hosted two memorable alumni lunches at Clemson University on January 24, 2025 and the University of South Carolina on February 7, 2025. These events were filled with joy, laughter, and a strong sense of camaraderie as faculty, staff, and recent CCES alumni came together to reconnect and share stories.
Recognizing that it isn’t always convenient for college-aged alumni to travel back to Greenville, the CCES team brought the connection to them. With a catered meal, CCES alumni swag, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, these gatherings provided an opportunity for alumni to catch up with former teachers and mentors while also strengthening their ties to the CCES community.
The events featured several familiar faces from CCES, including Head of School David Padilla, Director of College Counseling Linda Schultz, Grade Level Dean of Students Aaron Whited, Upper School English Teacher Matt Jacobssen, and Senior Chaplain Father Wallace. Their presence underscored the school’s commitment to maintaining lifelong relationships with its students, well beyond graduation.
For many attendees, the lunches were more than just reunions—they were opportunities to relive cherished memories, share new experiences, and affirm the lasting impact of their time at CCES. As a new member of the CCES alumni team, I (Cassie) was especially inspired to witness firsthand the deep investment faculty and staff continue to have in their former students' lives. Equally heartening was seeing how much our alumni value their connections to CCES.
These gatherings reinforced the strong bonds that make the CCES community special, and we are beyond grateful for our alumni. We look forward to many more opportunities to connect and celebrate our ever-growing CCES family in the future!
This blog was originally published by the National Association of Episcopal Schools. NAES invited Father Wallace to write a post on Social Justice, one of the Four Pillars of Episcopal Identity.
Not every student will be a Naya Bakaes.
By that I mean, not every student in an Episcopal school will start a robust peer mentoring program, as Naya did, before graduating from high school. That said, at Christ Church Episcopal School (CCES), in Greenville, South Carolina, where since 2018 I’ve served as Senior Chaplain, and at Episcopal schools across the country, students are consistently invited, encouraged, even urged, we could say, to claim their unique part in helping this world be more the way God intends the world to be.
Periodically, in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, at the heart of our campus, I’ll homilize on how the liturgy, our worship, trains us for the world. At the Eucharist, there is room for everyone at the holy table. No one is turned away. We exchange peace. Beauty elevates—beauty in faces, in spirit, in glass, in song. We are in harmony. We give thanks, we celebrate. We are mindful of God’s presence and of the worth and dignity of all gathered. And then we take all of that out into the world with us, as a vision of what God wants for the whole human family: welcome, kindness, belonging, peace, joy, and love. It’s what we’re talking about in the post-communion prayer, just before we head out the Chapel doors when we speak of the work God has given us to do. It’s what Jesus was talking about when he taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It’s what Dr. King was talking about when he spoke of the Beloved Community. It’s what we mean when we say Social Justice. Making the world more the way God intends the world to be.
And at CCES, as at countless other Episcopal schools, we don’t just preach about Social Justice, of course. We aim to live it, to embody it. Through simple acts of kindness and welcome each day. Through a student body that over time mirrors more fully the people of upstate South Carolina. Through steadily working to help everyone at CCES have a true sense of belonging. Through financial aid opportunities. Through having honest if sometimes uncomfortable conversations about how things are versus how things should be. Through service learning experiences across the greater Greenville-Spartanburg area.
Last week, in honor of Dr. King, we sent our 438 Upper Schoolers out to spend a morning serving around Greenville. A colleague and I were with a group of our seniors at Greenville’s Triune Mercy Center, where we packed bags with food items for an upcoming distribution. While there, we talked with one of the Triune pastors, the Reverend Jennifer Fouse Sheorn, about what it’s like to live on the streets of the city. In particular, Jennifer helped us think about just how hard, if not downright impossible, it is for a person who is unhoused in Greenville to find a place to use the restroom. And, in turn, just how easy it is to end up getting arrested for relieving oneself in, say, an alley. And how such arrests can all too easily stack up. And how getting such arrests expunged from one’s record is impossibly expensive. Pastor Jennifer also spoke about the whole array of ministries Triune has for and with the homeless of Greenville: meals; medical and legal aid; addiction and mental health counseling; and social services. All of these, of course, have the aim of helping men, women, and children who are unhoused find their way out of homelessness and into stability and, ultimately, into a flourishing worthy of their dignity as beloved children of God.
At CCES, our hope is that in part through experiences like the one our students had last week at Triune Mercy Center, each of our students will find, as Naya Bakaes did in her years with us, those special ways to play a part in making the world a kinder, more humane, more welcoming, more peaceful place. Inevitably we will have different ideas about what Social Justice looks like. And given how language easily becomes freighted with distracting associations, there are students and families at Episcopal schools who think of what they do, not as “Social Justice,” but simply as living out their faith, or perhaps as just being a good neighbor.
Since 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have recognized the vision, ingenuity, and talent of our nation’s youth— young artists and writers, filmmakers and photographers, poets and sculptors, video game artists and science fiction writers— and provided opportunities for creative students to be celebrated.
Hundreds of thousands of works are submitted at the regional level, with more than 2,000 public, private and home-schooled students receiving national recognition. CCES competes in the Southeast Region at Large, which extends from Washington, DC to the Caribbean. This year, we had seven CCES students who earned awards, including 2 Gold Key, 3 Silver Keys, and 2 Honorable Mentions. Our Gold Key winners will be entered in the National Contest.
Congratulations to the following students:
Gold Key: The very best works submitted to Region-at-Large programs. Gold Key works are automatically considered for national-level recognition.
Banks Horton ’27 for Photography
Sophia Malave ’27 for Digital Art
Silver Key: Distinguished work submitted to Region-at-Large programs demonstrating achievement.
Christopher Kanos ’28 for Photography
Charlie Lowrance ’28 for Photography
Ryan Von Wyl ’27 for Photography
Honorable Mention: Accomplished works submitted to Region-at-Large programs showing great skill and potential.
Charlotte McKillop ’28 for Photography
Campbell Miller ’28 for Photography
Christ Church Episcopal School celebrated the successes of two senior student-athletes during a signing ceremony on February 5th. Family, teammates, coaches, and school officials gathered in Rooke Theater to watch Acie Hatfield and Jackson Repp sign their letters of intent. Acie Hatfield will be playing football at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina and Jackson Repp will be playing football at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina.
Director of Athletics, Molly Miller, welcomed family, coaches, administration, teachers, friends, and teammates of these two seniors and thanked them for all their support in both athletic and academic endeavors. She described both Acie and Jackson as role models to their teammates and future generations of Cavalier Football athletes. Miller went on to expand on each student, sharing thoughts from teachers and coaches.
Acie Hatfield is described by his teachers as a kind-hearted student dedicated to improving both on the football field and in the classroom. His confidence allows him to collaborate effortlessly, be a sound decision maker, and be a true team player. Head Varsity Football Coach (and Acie’s dad) Quin Hatfield, described him as a player and teammate who shows unwavering effort, a competitive fire, and deep respect for the game. Coach Hatfield reminisced on Acie’s transition from Quarterback to Safety his freshman year and his goal to be one of the hardest hitting safeties to ever play at Christ Church - a pursuit that earned him the nickname “Hitman Hatfield.” Acie has represented Christ Church Football in an excellent manner and will no doubt do the same at The Citadel.
Jackson Repp is described by his teachers as a hard worker, a collaborative learner, and someone with a strong inner drive. They highlighted his exceptional athleticism and consistent execution, while always remaining teachable. Coach Hatfield refers to Jackson as one of the most dynamic football players he has ever had the privilege of watching. Jackson’s commitment to the game is evident in his attention to detail, dedication in the weight room and on the practice field, and his competitive spirit. Despite facing an injury this past football season, Coach Hatfield noted how he demonstrated both humility and his competitive nature by trading a helmet for a headset. Jackson is a proven playmaker and will no doubt continue to be successful at the University of South Carolina.
Congrats to Acie and Jackson on all they’ve accomplished at Christ Church and the exciting things ahead in their athletic career. While they’ll soon be competing with new teams, they will always be Cavaliers. Go Cavs!
For more photos from the ceremony, please click here.
Twelve Upper School Choir students traveled to Florence, SC, on January 24-25 to participate in the SC American Choral Directors Association High School Honor Choirs. After a competitive audition process in the fall, these students were selected from a large pool of singers across the state.
The students spent two days rehearsing before performing at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center. Under Dr. Julie Yu (Oklahoma City University), six students (Kinsley Bitner, Lindsey Bowie, Celina Brotherton, Anna Bruner, Izzy Kimmell, and Skylyr Yearby) performed in the SSAA Honor Choir, singing pieces in Latin, Korean, and English. Another six students (Ben Brownlee, Luke Brownlee, Alex Greene, Fitz Keller, Julian Monsell, and Gavin Nichols) performed in the TTBB Honor Choir under Dr. Jefferson Johnson (University of Kentucky), singing in English, Latin, and Bemba.
A special congratulations to Luke Brownlee, who earned a solo in the final TTBB piece, Cornerstone!
Bravo to all our talented singers!